
A key component to MetroSquash’s success is an extensive network of volunteers.

With only 22 program staff and over 400 students in the after school, weekend, and summer programs, MetroSquash relies heavily on responsible, dedicated volunteers to help support day to day programming operations on the court and in the classroom.

Whether you are looking to volunteer just for once a year, once a month, or once a week, MetroSquash needs your support.

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Time Commitment/Locations: Generally, we are in need of volunteers Monday-Thursday from 3:30-7:00 and Fridays from 3:30-6pm. A typical academic/squash session usually lasts 1-1.5 hours. There are opportunities at both of our locations: our south Chicago site in Woodlawn and our Evanston site.
  • Squash/Fitness: Volunteers with a squash background can help lead guided instruction on the courts with groups of 3-4 students. If volunteers do not have a squash background but would like to help with athletics, they can help lead or participate in a fitness game or activity to enhance our students’ endurance.
  • Academics: Volunteers can work on a variety of tasks in our academic classes. They can work one-on-one with students giving them guided support through homework help. They can assist the seniors in navigating the college access process. They can lead an academic station for our middle school students. They can also help facilitate a workshop for our high schoolers.

Onboarding Volunteers

  • Interested volunteers apply online through Better Impact which can be found directly at this website.
  • Staff will contact volunteer to schedule visit and/or confirm interests/availability. A national and state background check is completed on all volunteers.
  • Volunteers attend a 1-hour orientation that goes over expectations and helpful tools.
  • If interested in squash, volunteer must hit on court with a squash staff member to assess squash ability.

Volunteer Recognition

The more hours you volunteer, the more recognition you get!

  • First experience- MetroSquash Shirt
  • 10 hours- MetroSquash Canvas Bag
  • 20 hours- MetroSquash Mug
  • 35 hours- MetroSquash Notebook
  • 50 hours– MetroSquash Steel Vacuum Water Bottle
  • 65 hours- MetroSquash Hooded Long-Sleeve Shirt
  • 80 hours- MetroSquash Zip-down Fleece Jacket
  • 100 hours- Year-End Celebration Recognition

Learn More

Contact Jake Oher, Chief Development Officer, at (914) 774-8297 or by email at jake@metrosquash.org to learn more about volunteering opportunities.


6100 S Cottage Grove Avenue

Chicago, IL 60637


1599 Maple Ave

Evanston, IL 60201

Contact Us

Phone: (773) 241-5150

Fax: (773) 241-5115

Emal: info@metrosquash.org